At CompTIA Pro Certs, your success is our top priority, and we stand firmly behind our promise with a 100% Pass or Money-Back Guarantee.
We guarantee that every client will pass their selected certification exam. If we fail to achieve this, you will receive a full refund, no questions asked. This policy reflects our commitment to providing a service that is reliable, transparent, and focused on client satisfaction.
Our Commitment
CompTIA Pro Certs is dedicated to delivering high-quality services tailored to your certification needs. With our Buy IT Exam services, we promise to provide:
- Certifications delivered on time, on budget, and with zero hassle.
- A seamless process designed to meet and exceed your expectations.
If, for any reason, we cannot pass the exam on your behalf, we will:
- Offer you a replacement certification option to fulfill your needs.
- Provide a full refund of the amount paid if no suitable alternative is available.
Refund Policy
We take great pride in maintaining a fair and transparent refund policy. Below are the conditions, exclusions, and terms governing our money-back guarantee:
Refund Conditions
- Completion Timeframe:
- Certifications are typically completed and delivered within 5-10 business days.
- A maximum timeframe of 20 business days (4 weeks) is considered acceptable.
- If we fail to deliver within this period, your payment will be fully refunded.
- Full Refund Conditions:
- If the exam is not passed and does not appear on the official certification website, the entire payment will be refunded.
- If we are unable to pass the exam for any reason, we will issue a full refund of the amount received from you.
- Partial Refund Conditions:
- For certifications requiring multiple exams:
- If one or more exams are not passed but others are successfully completed and updated on the official site, a refund will be issued only for the exams not passed.
While we strive to offer maximum client satisfaction, certain situations are outside our control:
- Transfer Charges: Refunds exclude any transaction or transfer fees. These fees are non-refundable.
- Exchange Rates: Refunds are based on the amount we received and do not account for fluctuations in exchange rates at the time of the refund.
- Change of Mind: Refunds will not be granted if a candidate changes their mind mid-process and chooses to discontinue our services.
Important Notes
- Payment in Advance: Payments must be made in full before we begin the testing service, including for any refund-eligible amount.
- Replacement Options: If we are unable to deliver the specific certification you initially chose, we will discuss alternative options that may better fit your goals.
By choosing CompTIA Pro Certs, you’re choosing a risk-free solution with a guaranteed path to certification success. We’re confident in our ability to deliver exceptional results and are ready to back it up with our money-back guarantee.
Contact us today and start your journey with complete peace of mind!